Tag:   Sustainable Development Goals > Gender Equality - (54)

Showing 54 Results

Women in the Digital Economy Fund

By investing in innovative new solutions driving change across the key pillars of digital inclusion, WiDEF is transforming the lives of women and girls both online and offline.

Reclaiming Spaces Initiative (RSI)

Mobimocc is an IVR-based platform that empowers rural women by providing accessible GBV education, interactive support, and real-time counseling through feature phones.

Knowledge for Development

Knowledge for Development

Chiang Mai, Thailand

The Knowledge for Development (K4D) Foundation empowers communities and enables social inclusion through capacity building programs to advance data and digital literacy for data-driven innovations and culture.

Missouri S&T Public Interest Technology University Network chapter

As an academic community that believes in technology’s potential to have a positive impact on public life, Missouri S&T is honored to be recognized as a member of the Public Interest Technology University Network (PIT-UN).

Counting Feminicide: Data Feminism in Action

Why grassroots data activists in Latin America count feminicide—and how this vital social justice work challenges mainstream data science.

Digital Woman Uganda

Digital Woman Uganda provides digital literacy skills to women and girls while advocating for gender-sensitive policies and digital rights.

Smart Reporting and Referral (SmartRR)

SmartRR is a virtual one stop shop for Gender Based Violence and Sexual Reproductive Health. We are committed to creating a safer, more supportive world for survivors and adolescent girls.

"Governor Barbie" social campaign

The "Governor Barbie" campaign, launched by Governor Gretchen Whitmer, was more than just an innovative approach to brand building, but a significant step toward redefining and challenging stereotypes associated with female politicians.

AI Intersections Database

AI Intersections Database

Mozilla, East Evelyn Avenue, Mountain View, CA, USA

This database by Mozilla Foundation maps intersections between the key social justice and human rights areas of our time and documented AI impacts and their manifestations in society.




Maru is a chatbot that helps you tackle online harassment

Digital Impact Alliance Research Fellowship

We are proud to announce the launch of our first cohort of Research Fellows, bringing together a small group of multidisciplinary academics, digital development practitioners, and digital rights experts, working at the forefront of digital transformation efforts around the world.

AWA by Beloved

AWA by Beloved

New Orleans, LA

The first virtual DEI assessment for the workplace with an emphasis on mutual accountability.



The University of Edinburgh

PeaceRep – a consortium of research institutions, non-governmental organisations, and local research teams led by the University of Edinburgh Law School – has recently launched a mobile app provides insights and strategies to support women’s inclusion in peacemaking.

The Tiny News Collective

Our mission is to support the voices historically excluded from media and media ownership.



Latin America

El objetivo es realizar un archivo fotográfico que muestre la realidad de la extensión del movimiento feminista, incluyendo la variedad de experiencias, testimonios y emociones que plasma el 8M en nosotras.

Borde (Edge)

Borde (Edge)

Mexico City, CDMX, Mexico

dedicated to deconstructing representative or audience democracy and building a liquid and participatory democracy through interactive communication tools, political articulation and co-creation methodologies.

Cyber Civil Rights Initiative (CCRI)

With a mission to combat online abuses, particularly image-based sexual abuse, while advocating for legislative reform and providing support to victims.

Cyberharassment Clinic at New York Law School

The Cyberharassment Clinic is a program at a law school that allows students to represent victims of online harassment, cyberbullying, and revenge porn.

Women at the Table

Women at the Table

Geneva, Switzerland

Women at the Table breaks down barriers to systems change so that women and girls are able to fully and actively participate and influence the world’s social, political and economic spheres.



United States of America (the)

Safecity empowers communities worldwide to report and combat gender-based violence through crowd-sourced data and technology.



Sydney NSW, Australia

Elker is an anonymous reporting platform that allows people to speak up about workplace issues such as harassment, discrimination, and misconduct.

Parity Lab

Parity Lab


We Accelerate Innovations That Address Violence Against Women



Brazil (Brasil)

A MariaLab é uma associação sem fins lucrativos, sem vínculo político-partidário e com empresas do setor privado, que atua na intersecção entre política, gênero e suas tecnologias.

Calling all Black feminist organizations for no-fee tech and data support

Though Black women are at the forefront of some of the most important social justice movements of our time, leading extraordinary initiatives with commitment and creativity, most of the time they are doing so with limited funding.  Recognizing this, we are extending a targeted offer of free tech and data support to Black feminist organizers.

Bingwa Civic Tech Lab

Bingwa Civic Tech Lab

Congo (the Democratic Republic of the)

We are Bingwa Civic Tech Lab, a youth-led initiative based in the Democratic Republic of Congo, supporting technically the community and civil society organisations through co-creative and collaborative processes to implement digital solutions informing decision makers and different stakeholders to improve social services

Ruas do Género

An interactive data visualization project demonstrating the gender imbalance of street names in Porto

Superrr Lab

We develop visions and projects with the goal to create more equitable futures. We do research, build networks and shape narratives. Superrr is playful, visionary and feminist.

IT for Change

IT for Change


IT for Change is an NGO based in Bengaluru, India. IT for Change aims for a society in which digital technologies contribute to human rights, social justice and equity.


Our artificial intelligence platform covers many of today's most relevant topics: from sustainable cities to citizen security, from migration to climate change & biodiversity, and more.

Areto Analyzer (formerly ParityBOT)

ParityBOT is a Twitter bot that spins the abuse and toxicity directed at women in politics into positive, uplifting and encouraging messages. The artificial intelligence technology that powers ParityBOT detects and classifies hateful, harmful and toxic tweets directed at women in leadership or public office



India (Bhārat)

Uli lets you take control over your Twitter timeline by redacting slurs, allowing you to archive problematic tweets and coordinating actions with your friends.

Féministes contre le cyberharcèlement

Association féministe intersectionnelle à l'origine de #TwitterAgainstWomen, notre objectif est de sensibiliser et d'informer sur les cyberviolences, les droits des victimes et les recours possibles.

Win with Women

Win with Women

455 Massachusetts Ave, NW, 8th Floor, Washington, DC 20001

An initiative designed to help political parties become more inclusive and representative through an assessment that gauges men and women's perceptions of women in leadership, the types of social norms held by members of parties, and the individual, institutional and socio-cultural barriers to gender equality.

Take Back the Tech

Take Back The Tech! is a call to everyone, especially women and girls, to take control of technology to end violence against women.

Tactical Tech’s Gendersec Training Curricula on “Hacking Hate Speech”

A training workshop curriculum on how to set up an online support network, create textual and visual counterspeech content, and deploy a counterspeech campaign.

Ada's List

All about changing communities, our workplaces, and the industry for the better.

Ada Developers Academy

Ada Developers Academy

Seattle, WA, United States of America

A non-profit, tuition-free coding school for women and gender diverse adults. They focus on serving low-income people, underrepresented minorities, and members of the LGBTQIA+ community.

A+ Alliance

A+ Alliance

Geneva, Switzerland

A Feminist AI Research network that gathers a cohort of social scientists, economists, and activists, side by side with data, machine learning and computer scientists to discuss how to fix the system and leverage AI for women’s rights.

A Tu Nombre

A Tu Nombre


A campaign to name more of Montevideo's streets after women

Harass Map

Based on the idea that if more people start taking action when sexual harassment happens in their presence, we can end this epidemic.

La Asociación de Tecnología, Educación, Desarrollo, Investigación, Comunicación (TEDIC)

Desarrollamos tecnología cívica abierta: Promovemos el uso y desarrollo de software y hardware libre, diseño abierto y datos abiertos


A global volunteer-run project crowdsourcing resources on the web to address gender-based violence

Gender and Technology Resources wiki

Gender and Technology Resources wiki

Brunnenstraße 9, 10119 Berlin, Germany

This wiki is dedicated to document initiatives around gender and tech, privacy and digital security that are organised by participants to the trainings and activities related to the program “Securing Online and Offline Freedoms for Women: Expression, Privacy and Digital Inclusion”.


Help train an AI that encourages women to use more assertive language in their bios and professional descriptions.

Visuals for Gender

Visuals for Gender is an initiative that seeks to equip citizens, policy makers and Civil Society Organisations to understand gender-based issues using both dynamic and static data visualizations

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